There’s No Such Thing as a Dumb Question

If you lose your pet, cover the area he was seen last with legible signs containing all relevant information. Call all animal hospitals in the area and provide a description and contact information. Post on craigslist (https://phoenix.craigslist.org/laf/), and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lost-and-Found-Pets-of-Maricopa-County-AZ/169894313078241). Check out the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control website which has an interactive map showing pets that have been picked up (https://maricopa.gov/pets/lf.aspx). Don’t give up!

If you find a pet, first bring it to Applewood Animal Hospital or to the closest animal hospital for a no-charge microchip scan. If the animal has a microchip you will be provided without whatever contact information is available. If there is no chip and you are able to hold the pet for a short period of time, we recommend placing multiple signs in the area where the animal was found and posting the information on the websites mentioned above. Know that most owners will contact Maricopa County (the “pound”) if their pet is lost, so even though it may not seem like a good alternative it may be the best chance the animal has of being reunited with his owner. Don’t assume because he was loose that he has bad owners: accidents can happen to the most conscientious of us, and they are likely as desperate to get their beloved pet back as you would be.

Yes! Although not as prevalent as in the Midwest or southern parts of the country, our pets are still plagued by these parasites. Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes, so especially if you live near a golf course, canal or irrigation, or if you travel to affected areas, your pet is at risk for contracting this potentially deadly disease. Heartworm can be easily prevented through once-a-month chewable treats and an annual heartworm test. If your pet is itchy or you see signs of fleas or ticks, talk to us about the best treatments, which will necessitate treating both your pet(s) and the environment in which they live.

Because our pets age so much faster than we do, having a physical exam at least once a year is critical in diagnosing disease before it has progressed too far. Just as owner-humans tend to see our doctors more frequently as we get older, the same is true of our pets. Dogs and cats over the age of seven should ideally be examined every six months. And of course any time your pet is experiencing a physical problem an examination is warranted!

Puppies and kittens should get their first vaccinations around six weeks of age, and every three weeks thereafter until they are at least 16 weeks old. After that vaccines are given every one to three years depending on the type of vaccine and your pets’ lifestyle and environment. For those concerned about potential effects of vaccinations we offer vaccine titers; blood tests which tell us how much immunity your pet has against core diseases and whether he needs to be vaccinated at the present time.

We strongly encourage our clients to investigate and consider investing in pet insurance. There are several excellent companies that for a monthly fee can provide great peace of mind should your pet need intensive medical care.

Yes! For more information or to apply for a no-interest CareCredit health care card, go to www.carecredit.com

The closest 24 hour animal hospital is VetMed, 20610 N. Cave Creek Rd. located at 7311 E. Thomas Rd. Their phone number is 602-697-4694 www.vetmedaz.com

Monday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tuesday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Wednesday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thursday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 7:00 am – Noon

We are on Lincoln Drive, just West of Scottsdale Road. The hospital is located on the same property as Applewood Pet Resort, on the South side of the road.